Vivien Morton

I have served previously as a Little Marlow Parish Councillor and it is a great privilege to be offered the opportunity to serve again.
My husband and I moved to Marlow in 1977 where our 3 daughters were born and brought up. We moved to Little Marlow 9 years ago and love living in the village. I am now retired after working in the aviation industry for thirty years. I like to spend my spare time with my family and grandchildren and also sit as a magistrate on the Buckinghamshire Bench.
The main challenge for this area and the parish council will undoubtedly be increased pressure for development. Changes are inevitable and parish councils will face many challenges in trying to preserve all that we cherish locally. Wycombe District Council is under pressures from government, as we know, to provide areas to be developed and it will be up to each local parish council to put forward the best possible case to preserve as much of its local character as possible and to resist damaging changes. I will work hard to support Little Marlow Parish Council and the councillors in responding to these challenges as well as the other work involved in keeping the parish a pleasant place to live for everyone in the community. In the meantime please do feel free to contact me with any issues regarding the parish that are of concern.