Philip Emmett
My family have farmed in Little Marlow since 1938 and I was born and brought up in the village. After completing the course at Pershore Horticultural College I returned to the farm in 1979, married in 1980 and have 4 children between 18 and 34.
I joined LMPC in 1998 with the aim of “doing my bit” for the local community. I am passionate about keeping the vibrant, co-hesive and supportive environment within the village but absolutely vehemently opposed to “preserving it in aspic”.
Our farming enterprise has changed dramatically with a few small business units in the old vegetable processing buildings and the land cropped to mainly arable. This has allowed me to become more “nature friendly” with grass margins, flower rich headlands, bird nesting plots, replacement hedges, pollen and nectar strips, winter wild bird food areas and more. The butterfly and bird populations have responded wonderfully.